Posts in Featured Guests
Episode 155: Discussing Environmental Sensitivity with Family, Friends and Colleagues with Andrea Weber

Andrea Weber shares the importance of discussing environmental sensitivities with family, friends, and colleagues and how to do this in a comfortable and confident way. Every HSP should listen to this and companies can learn how to offer inclusive support for the sensitive. Please share to educate and support others!

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Episode 153: Strategies to Support Empathic Kids, Teens and Parents with Carolina Mariposa

Young empaths are experiencing this kind of energetic sensitivity and may think they're depressed and anxious, when in fact some of their symptoms and in some cases, all of their symptoms are because they're just too open to energy around them...if they're given these tools and they practice these tools they get to experience what THEY feel like, and it's a whole new world for them.

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Episode 140: Learn to Trust Your Intuition and Tap Into Your Personal Power with Martina Barnes

One of the biggest challenges of being an HSP is finding it hard to identify and listen to your inner GPS system, your intuitive guidance. These messages are overshadowed by your natural empathy and ability to feel what someone else feels. Additionally, society giving you false messages, telling you how you ‘should’ be. In order to truly understand and be able to stand in your strengths, you have to develop the courage to trust yourself.

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Episode 134: Exploring Non-Traditional Relationships for HSPs with Sarah Mathews, LMFT

My goal for this conversation with Sarah is that we open minds to the possibility that sometimes what’s been traditionally taught to us might not work for us and that we are free to explore what does! I want to normalize that doing things differently is OK! I want to normalize that doing things that work for us is a good thing!

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Episode 130: The Healing Power of Being an Empath with Dr. Judith Orloff

What is an empath, different types, gifts, and what are the neuroscience findings? How can empaths stop absorbing the emotions and physical symptoms of others and develop self-protection techniques so we can enjoy the gifts of sensitivity? Why are empaths misdiagnosed with sensory processing disorder, major depression, and panic attacks? What is the correct diagnosis? Plus more! Listen now!

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Episode 125: Living Unshackled: How Self-Awareness, Self-Compassion, and Imperfect Action Will Walk You to Greater Freedom with Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui

As we deepen our roots of self-awareness and self-compassion and learn to take imperfect action toward building a life and world we want to live in, our inner critic grows quieter, we become rooted and resilient, and we realize that as HSP’s we are gifted, needed, and very much on-purpose.

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